Friday , September 20 2024

There are many benefits of drinking green tea, you would not know about these 7 tremendous benefits


Today is being celebrated as International Tea Day. The number of tea drinkers in the world is increasing day by day. Most people have a habit of drinking bed tea as soon as they wake up in the morning. There are many varieties of tea, but most people prefer tea made from milk. Although some people also drink herbal tea, which is much more beneficial than tea with milk. And one of them is green tea. This herbal tea has many medicinal properties. Some people also consume green tea to lose weight. Let us know what are the benefits of drinking green tea.

nutrients in green tea

There are many types of green tea and they also contain different types of nutrients. Matcha, Jasmine, Moroccan, etc. are the types of green tea. Talking about the nutrients present in it, this green tea contains protein, iron, energy, magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium, niacin, copper, zinc, amino acids etc.

health benefits of drinking green tea

According to a research published in this regard, the heart works properly by consuming green tea. This tea protects heart health. If you drink green tea every day, then cardiovascular diseases can be avoided, along with this the risk of heart attack, stroke also reduces.

The risk of dying from heart disease can be reduced by up to 41 percent

It has also been revealed in a study that drinking green tea reduces total cholesterol and LDL ie bad cholesterol. If you consume three to five cups of green tea daily and have a healthy diet, your risk of dying from heart disease can be reduced by up to 41 percent. And if you are stressed then you can consume green tea which will reduce the stress. Actually, green tea contains caffeine, which improves mood. And also helps in increasing energy level, memory etc.