Friday , September 20 2024

The skin of dry almonds does not come off… but how does it come off easily after soaking?


Almond Fact: Eating dry fruits is beneficial for health. However, there is a right way to eat them as well. Dry fruits come in many types of dry fruits. Of which the most popular dry fruit is ‘almond’. This is such a dry fruit that everyone has eaten. It is used in various food items in the house. If you are given a dry almond and asked to peel it, you will not peel it.

Why doesn’t the peel of dry almonds come off?

On the other hand, if you are asked to peel the almonds after soaking them for some time, then you will peel the almonds quickly. Now the question is, what happens after soaking almonds that the skin peels off so easily.

almonds contain oil


According to the educational YouTube channel Right to Education, the skin of dry almonds is firmly attached to its white part. But after soaking, the peel comes off easily. You know that almonds also contain some oil. In such a situation, when almonds are soaked, some oil comes out from the walnuts.


peels off easily after soaking

Because oil is lighter than water and floats in water. So it removes the shell from the nut. In this way you can easily peel the soaked almonds. In addition, it absorbs water and expands slightly when wet. This is also a reason for peeling.

Why should soaked almonds be eaten?

Many health experts say that there are many benefits of eating soaked almonds. According to reports, there is an element called tannin in the brown peel of almonds. Due to which there is a problem in the digestion of almonds.