Friday , September 20 2024

The police collected a fine of four lakhs from the building owners


Rishikesh: During the tenant verification drive being conducted by the Rishikesh Police, action was taken against 40 landlords who did not carry out 319 verifications. All were fined four lakhs.

Inspector in charge of Rishikesh Kotwali Khushi Ram Pandey said that on the instructions of Senior Superintendent of Police, Dehradun district, to curb crime and arrest criminals in Rishikesh area, the in-charges of all police stations should verify the tenants and they have not been verified. Areas concerned. Action has been ordered against the landlords. Pursuant to this, Kotwali Rishikesh conducted tenant verification campaign at Lakkad Ghat, Chopra Farm, Baljit Farm, Khadri, Shyampur.

Different teams of 06 Sub Inspectors, 06 Head Constables, 21 Constables, 05 Women Constables have been formed in this campaign under the leadership of Senior Sub-Inspector DP Kala Rishikesh.

Before the campaign, action was taken under the Police Act against landlords who failed to verify tenants by the Inspector-in-charge Kotwali, Rishikesh. Under this total verification-319, 40 challans for non-verification, out of which Rs. 4 lakh was also recovered.