The doctor told which tests are most important for women, get them done today without delay

Women Medical Checkup 05 10 2024

Women are most careless about their health. Especially after marriage, women leave everything for their family and children. Girls who were very fit before marriage change completely after marriage. A big reason for this is hormonal changes in women. Especially after having a child, many changes start taking place in the body. But unless you are healthy, you cannot keep the house fit. If you are near or have crossed the age of 40, then many types of problems can arise in the body. You should not be careless at all. Let us know which medical tests should be done by women after 40.

Mandatory medical test after 40 years

Lipid Profit Cholesterol Screening- In this test, cholesterol is checked from a blood sample. By doing this test, the level of cholesterol in the body is known. This also reduces the risk of heart related diseases. You should also get an ECG done for the heart.

Cervical and breast cancer screening- Pap smear test is done to check for cervical cancer. You must get this test done after the age of 40. Apart from this, do not forget to get regular breast examination done. For this, you can also do the test yourself every 2-3 weeks. If you feel any pain or lump in the breast, consult a doctor immediately.

Thyroid and sugar test- Thyroid also increases with age. This starts affecting the body system. Therefore, after the age of 40, you should get your thyroid and sugar test done every year with the advice of a doctor.

Vision Test- Women who wear glasses or contact lenses should get their eye test done every year. If you are not wearing glasses, then get your eyes checked every year. This will tell about your eyesight. Those who have good eyesight should get the test done every 2 years or if they face any problem.