Thursday , September 19 2024

Symptoms of Depression: Identify depression with these symptoms and get timely treatment


New Delhi: Often when we see someone sad or upset, we ignore it as a normal feeling, some people even make fun of it. but it’s not like that. Being sad and depressed are not the same thing. Depression is a word that is often used to describe how we feel after a bad week at work or when we are going through a breakup. But major depressive disorder is more complex than just one type of depression. To know the difference between depression and anxiety, it is important to know about its symptoms.

symptoms of depression-

1. Pessimistic outlook


Major depression is a mood disorder that affects the way you feel about life in general. The most common symptom of depression is a hopeless or helpless outlook on life. Other feelings include low self-worth, self-loathing, or feeling guilty, even though it was not your fault.

2. Withdrawal from Activities

Slowly step away from the things you love, doing the things you used to enjoy, whether it was sports or going out with friends. But now your loss of interest or withdrawal from these activities is another clear sign of depression.

3. Fatigue and sleeplessness

One of the reasons why you are not interested in doing the things you love is that you feel very tired. Depression often comes with a lack of energy and a feeling of extreme fatigue, which can be one of the most debilitating symptoms of depression. This can lead to excessive sleepiness. however, they are related to each other. So sometimes it disturbs your sleep too.

4. Worry

It is very common to feel nervous, anxious or tense during anxiety. Symptoms of anxiety include a feeling of danger, nervousness, or fear. Heart beats fast. Rapid breathing, excessive sweating, tremors or muscle twitching. Symptoms include difficulty concentrating or thinking clearly about anything other than what you are worrying about.


5. Irritability in men

Symptoms of depression can affect women and men differently. Research shows that men with depression may have symptoms such as irritability, risky behavior, substance abuse, or misdirected anger. Men are less likely to be diagnosed or treated for depression than women.

6. Change in appetite and weight

Weight and appetite can fluctuate for people with depression. This experience can be different for each person. Some people feel more hungry and gain weight, while some people do not feel hungry and lose weight.

7. Uncontrollable Emotions

One moment it’s a tantrum and the next you’re sobbing uncontrollably. Nothing outside of you indicates change, but your emotions go up and down every moment. Depression can cause mood swings.

8. Euthanasia

Depression is sometimes associated with suicide. Because during this time the person is unable to pay attention to anything else and his will to live is gone. People who die by suicide usually show symptoms first. Often people will talk about it or make the first attempt to end their life before it is successful. In such a situation, if you know someone who is struggling with this situation, then you can help him.

If you have had some of the above symptoms for more than two weeks, you may be suffering from major depressive disorder. For this you need proper help and treatment.