Friday , September 20 2024

Summer Skin Care: If you are planning a beach trip in summer then follow these tips to avoid tanning and sunburn


New Delhi : People often plan vacations during the summer season. Due to the scorching sun and scorching heat, people plan to go to such a place, where they not only get relief from the scorching sun, but also get a chance to spend a moment of relaxation. While many people go to the mountains in this season, only a few people plan to go to the beach. But the biggest disadvantage of traveling in summer is that traveling in this season often leads to tanning and sunburn.

In such a situation, it is very important that along with traveling in this season, you should also take special care of your skin. If you are also planning to travel somewhere this summer, then today we are telling you about some such tips which will protect your skin from UV rays along with enjoying your beach trip. So let’s know-

Sunscreen is the best way to avoid sunburn and tanning in summer. With its help, you can avoid the harmful rays of the sun. So if you are going out in the sun, apply it on the skin 20 minutes before going out. You can even apply it more than once. Make sure to use a sunscreen with at least 30 SPF for your skin.

To avoid sunburn, it is extremely important that you wear protective clothing. People usually prefer to wear swimwear on the beach. If you can also use big hats and sunglasses to avoid the sun in summer.

If you are going for a walk in the summer season, try not to go out in the hot sun. By doing this you can save yourself from sunburn. Even if you are going out in the sun, use an umbrella etc. With the help of these methods, you can protect yourself from the harmful effects of the sun.

Staying hydrated in summer is most important to stay healthy and keep the skin healthy. Often there is a lack of water in the body by walking in the sun. In such a situation, try to drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated. Drinking plenty of water will also keep your skin healthy.