Thursday , September 19 2024

Sugar Level Home Remedies: Diabetes patients should not depend only on medicines, make these changes in lifestyle


New Delhi : Sugar Level Home Remedies: Even though the havoc of Covid is almost over, it does not mean that we no longer need to focus on our health and immunity. We should be as careful about our health as we were during the pandemic. Many health experts also believe the same, especially those who are already suffering from a complex and chronic illness. Diabetes is the biggest concern as the problem of metabolism is increasing rapidly all over the world, especially in India. According to some reports, 1 in 11 adults today is living with diabetes and this number is expected to increase.

In this case, unless lifestyle changes are made, regular medicines alone may not do anything. Diabetes is caused due to poor lifestyle, which can be better managed by making some changes. What you eat during the day for breakfast, lunch, dinner and when you feel the slightest pang of hunger can play a big role in managing diabetes. We are going to tell you about some such home remedies, with the help of which you can keep your blood sugar level under control.

Home remedies to control blood sugar level

1. Neem

The pungent leaves of neem are an effective treatment for diabetes because they contain flavonoids, triterpenoids, antiviral substances and glycosides that can help control blood sugar levels. To make neem powder, some dry neem leaves are blended in a blender till they become completely smooth. You can take this churna twice a day for best results.

2. Bitter gourd juice

Keratin and momordicin, two very important elements found in bitter gourd, have the ability to lower blood sugar levels. Consume bitter gourd juice on an empty stomach every morning. To enjoy its benefits, you can include a dish made of bitter gourd daily in your diet.

3. Berries

Jamun is known for its hypoglycemic properties, which can lower blood sugar levels. Mix one teaspoon of Jamun seed powder in a glass of water. Shake it well and drink on an empty stomach.

4. Ginger

Regular consumption of ginger lowers blood sugar levels and balances insulin. Boil one cup of water and one inch of ginger in a pot. After boiling for 5 minutes, take it out in a glass. Consume it once or twice a day.

5. Fenugreek powder

Fenugreek can help manage diabetes by increasing glucose tolerance, lowering blood sugar levels, and promoting glucose-dependent insulin release. It works well for the management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Soak two spoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight and consume water and seeds every morning on an empty stomach.