

Skin infection: Scabies is a type of skin infection caused by a type of germ. In which there is a problem of itching, rashes and pimples. The person suffering from this has itching almost all the time, due to which he has to face the problem of not sleeping. It can spread from person to person very easily.

cause of scabies

Scabies is caused by a type of bacteria called Sarcops scabiei. This germ comes down to the surface of the skin and settles here on the hair or itchy area. The germs then release a chemical that cannot be removed without burning or killing them. This chemical can cause scabies to spread easily, which can infect other people as well. This insect looks like a small to large brownish-brown ant. This germ is about 0.3 mm long.

The initial symptoms of scabies can be temporary and usually the symptoms of this infection can be a bit difficult to detect. That’s why it is very important to be aware of this disease and know its symptoms.

early symptoms of scabies

Itching: The most prominent symptom of scabies infection is itching. This itching can occur in different places of the body like hands, feet, nose etc. The itching becomes very unbearable due to which wounds also occur on the skin and these wounds work to increase the infection.

Rash: Another symptom of scabies infection is a rash. These grains are small in size and cannot be seen easily.

Scabies can be a problem in these organs









Follow these measures to avoid this disease

  • Take care of cleanliness to avoid itching. You should keep your body clean.
  • Use aloe vera gel to kill scabies mites and relieve itching.
  • Scabies mites can also spread through furniture, clothing, and bedding, so keep these items clean as well as your body.
  • Doctors recommend applying creams, lotions or ointments to treat itching. Apart from this, oral medicine is also available for its treatment.