Friday , September 20 2024

Shani will be retrograde, there will be upheaval in the lives of the people of this zodiac.


Shani Dev is called the god of justice and the giver of fruits. He gives fruits to man according to his deeds. This is the reason why people do not want to be a victim of their anger. Saturn’s transit, rising and setting and being direct and retrograde have a wide impact in human life. Saturn is going to retrograde on June 17 at 10.48 pm, which means it will now move in the opposite direction. Saturn’s retrograde motion can have a negative effect on the natives of some zodiac signs.

Sheep :- Be tolerant of frequent complications of isolation from people at work.

Taurus You may be troubled by health related problems. There may be a desire to make lifestyle changes to improve certain applications.

Gemini :- Take decision after thinking. Combine understanding and thinking with more time consuming problems.

Cancer : Keep pace with the family. There can be differences with family members.

Lion :- Work hard to strengthen relations with old friends or relatives.

Virgo: There can be fear of job loss.

Libra :- There can be problems related to financial assets and debt.

Scorpio: There can be instability in personal relationships. Saturn’s retrograde motion can have negative effects on various areas of your life.

Saturn’s movement changes

When a person’s signature becomes crooked then he is definitely considered to be under the retrograde eclipse of Saturn. One must be sensitive to Shani and learn to be serious in everything. Shani gives the last lesson of the past year after wars and unnecessary touches.