Tuesday , September 17 2024

Sanyas Yoga 2023: How Sanyas Yoga is formed in the horoscope, know great people


Sanyas Yoga 2023: There are many sources in Vedic astrology, through which a lot can be known. In which it can be known that some people can reach the height of spirituality. Some remain confined to Madeira, while many attain Buddhahood.

There are only a few who have mantras in their hands. There is something magical in his writing, thought and voice. Such people leave all worldly pleasures and lead an ascetic life. Let’s try to understand in this report that which are the yogas, which make a person a high-quality seeker.

Second house is family, fourth house is mother and seventh house is wife. Man remains attached to it in life. If the lord or lord of these houses, Saturn or Ketu affects these houses, then the person leaves the house.

In any horoscope, the Ascendant is the body and the Moon is the mind. It is often seen that the effect of Shani-Ketu ascendant and Moon gives the person the intelligence to think differently. His way of thinking is different from the common man.

If the lord of the Ascendant is Mars, Jupiter or Venus and Saturn is in the Ascendant in the same horoscope, then when Jupiter is in the ninth house, the person travels to places of pilgrimage and suddenly retires.


If the lord of the tenth house is situated in the eighth house with 4 powerful planets (including Saturn and Ketu), then even the king becomes a beggar and renounces everything.

If the lord of the ninth house is Bali, then it is located in the ninth or fifth house. If Jupiter and Venus are aspected or sitting together, then the person becomes a high-class mantra. He plays mantras in his hands.

If the lord of the tenth house is neither strong, set nor weak in sannyasa yoga or is sitting in the seventh house, then such a person will definitely be sensual. He is just showing off and is sensual at heart.

If there is a very strong yoga of eighth and tenth Venus, then such a person will understand the mantra even though he is modern. Such a person lives in the material world and earns money by studying.

Strong combination of Sun, Saturn and Guru should be in the eighth house. If no planet is set in it and one planet is exalted, then the person is a builder of temples. Those who do religious work by taking money from kings, they are called ascetics.

In the horoscope of Sheela Prabhupada, Gautam Buddha, Rajneesh Osho, Sri Aurobindo, Morari Bapu, sitting of the lord of 10th house with more than 3 planets gives success. In Osho’s horoscope, 5 planets were in the eighth house.

Ketu and Jupiter are the factors of salvation. The twelfth house represents prison journey, suffering, loss and liberation. Saturn-Ketu Jupiter makes the person do penance in this house and the person shines after troubles. Then even after getting money, there is no attachment and he leaves the world.