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Home / Health / Sandalwood Benefits: Include sandalwood in skin care routine, face will shine even in old age

Sandalwood Benefits: Include sandalwood in skin care routine, face will shine even in old age


Skin Care Tips: Aging is such a process of life, which no one can stop. There are many such changes in growing age, which are visible on the skin. Everyone is troubled by the problem of wrinkles, sagging skin and acne. To get rid of this, people go to the parlor and spend thousands of rupees. To get rid of these problems, expensive beauty products are also available in the market. Sometimes they show good effect, but many times it is seen that their effect is opposite. In such a situation, people are now turning towards home remedies.


In today’s article, we will tell you about such a thing, using which your face will start glowing even in old age. Your skin will look younger after using it. We are talking about sandalwood. Since ancient times, sandalwood has been used to enhance the beauty of the face. Even in today’s time, you can easily use it daily.

aging will stop
If you use sandalwood regularly then the dead cells of your skin will end. Along with this, the use of sandalwood also keeps the skin hydrated, due to which the skin does not remain dry. The use of sandalwood also removes the problem of fine lines and wrinkles and improves the skin.

use with honey
If you apply sandalwood mixed with honey, then you will get rid of spots on the skin. You can apply it on the face as well as on the hands and feet.

glow karega face pack
If you make a sandalwood face pack and apply it on your face, you will get a natural glow. Using this will bring back the glow of your face.


Will get relief from pimples
Using sandalwood gives instant relief in problems like pimples and rashes. The anti-inflammatory present in it also removes the problem of sunburn from the skin.