Friday , September 20 2024

Relationship Tips: Talking to women? Don’t do these mistakes even by mistake


Some precautions should be taken while talking to others. The tone should be serious when it should be soft. Speak politely Facial expressions and eye contact should be correct while speaking. Especially while talking to women, one should speak without any mistake. Mistakes should not be made in words, mistakes should not be made while speaking.

Some precautions should be taken to make a good impression on women. Now let’s know how to talk to real women.

not hearing well
Others want us to listen to them as much as we want to be heard. Especially while talking to women, listen carefully to their words. They cannot listen because they are thinking somewhere. If they know this, they will be hurt. More care should be taken while expressing their opinion, likes and dislikes.

To Argue:
It is very natural to have differences and disagreements with people. But it is important not to argue with women. Respect goes down during the debate. If you do not agree with what they say, say so calmly. Speak directly and clearly.

harsh words:
Do not get into personal matters without intimacy. Avoid using sexy comments and offensive words especially while talking to women. Such comments do not create a good impression.

Talking Only About Yourself:
Conversation should always be a two-way street. That’s when it sounds conversational. If only one person speaks, it becomes a speech. When talking to women, you should lower your self-doubt a bit and give others a chance to talk too.

Respect personal space:
While talking to women, respect their personal space. Don’t go too close to women and talk to them. Don’t touch at all Because of this opinions change and friendships break.

Flirting is a good way to build relationships with women. But remember that extreme does not work anywhere. Flirting can be done to an extent. Don’t flirt unless it makes others uncomfortable.

not accepted:
When women say no, they mean no. If they don’t like something, if they show disinterest, say no outright, don’t mention it. If he is not interested..if he says such things then his decision should be respected. If you say no, you have to admit it.