Friday , September 20 2024

Parents, these mistakes of yours will instill confidence in children, be careful!


Confidence is very important for every human being. Today’s parents also make various efforts to instill confidence in their children. Sometimes the excessive care of the parents destroys the self-confidence of the children. So let’s know what are the mistakes made by the parents which destroys the confidence of the children.

1. For parents without giving responsibility to their children
It is natural to love. It is not right to make such children sit on the head. Give them some household responsibilities according to their age. Ask children to help with homework. Otherwise, your child will not have an iota of knowledge about household chores. He is not even able to take the responsibilities. After this your child may lack confidence to do any work.

2. Do not correct children when they make mistakes
Correct your child when he or she falls behind in learning, fails in auto or other activities, or misbehaves with other children at school or outside. Also, don’t stand up and encourage your child to do the right thing. You encourage and encourage them when they make mistakes. Plus, if you don’t have the courage to lose, your confidence can die.

3. Protecting Your Feelings
It is natural for humans to shrink when hurt. Similarly, children also have their own pains. Similarly, children also feel pain. It is natural for him to cry on this occasion. Well then if you console your child. But it’s wrong to insist that what your child has done is right. If you support them every time they are in pain, your child will not develop the will to fight and conquer that pain.

It is wrong to take away whatever your child has asked for without making the child aware of the difficulties. Some parents take loans even when there is no money and the children take what they ask for. There is no need for this. If you give like this, you will not feel like working. I don’t think I have to fight. They are comfortable in their father’s work. If you do not teach them to work and eat, surely that feeling will not arise in them. Do not try to stand on your feet. There is a possibility of being dependent on family members throughout life.


Parenting habits that can destroy a child's confidence in Kannada

5. Excessive care of children
Some parents are taking more care of their children than they need to be. The parents do not have the power to bear even a hundred sorrows for them. Takes care of children step by step. So children do not know how to face problems. They get upset when they are alone because parents find solutions to every problem. Children do not know how to live independently.

6. Slow Discipline Lessons
It is normal for children to get spoiled during adolescence. That’s why it is very important to keep children under control. But some parents push the limits of discipline on their children. They say getting up is wrong, limping is wrong. In such a situation, children have to live in the shadow of fear. This not only makes them feel anxious and depressed but also lowers their confidence.