Pakistan a fool’s paradise, army ruling for 75 years: Imran Khan


Pakistan’s former PM Imran Khan, who is fighting a war on two fronts with the army and the government, has now said that Pakistan has been ruled by the army directly or indirectly for 75 years. The army has nothing to do with running the country.

He also said that living in Pakistan is like living in a fool’s paradise. Instead of focusing on the challenges facing the country, issues related to my party are being raised. The fascist government of Pakistan has ignored the rule of law. The government has launched a crackdown that puts martial law under former ruler Pervez Musharraf to shame. Whose aim is only to crush my party Tehreek-e-Insaf.

Imran Khan said that Pakistan’s economy is going into the abyss. Pakistani rupee has reached 315 against the dollar in the open market. Those who do not have an identity card will have to pay Rs 320 per dollar. There is a difference of Rs 30 between the government rate and the dollar rate in the open market. There is no investment in Pakistan either domestically or from abroad. As a result the GDP of the country will fall and the country will face worse and severe inflation.

The former PM said that billions of dollars have fallen with the leaders sitting in the government. The question is, how is the government of the country allowing the country to be pushed into complete economic ruin?

Even before this, Imran Khan had accused the government of ill-treating his jailed supporters and exploiting women supporters.