Friday , September 20 2024

Onion and garlic in Vrat: Why eating garlic and onion is prohibited during fasting, know the reason


Onion and garlic in fasting: To maintain the sanctity of the fast, many things have to be taken care of. Only pure food is taken during the fast. Consumption of garlic and onion is also prohibited during the fast. However, the health benefits of both of these are also in abundance.

it’s a myth

When there was a churning between the deities and the asuras, the final nectar came out of that churning. After this, Lord Vishnu took the form of Mohini to feed nectar to the gods. But only then both the demons Rahu and Ketu took the form of gods and drank the nectar. Due to which Lord Vishnu severed his head from the torso with the Sudarshan Chakra. Wherever his blood fell, garlic and onions grew there. It is believed that only then the smell of garlic-onion is very strong.

Consuming these makes the mind wander

In Ayurveda, food is divided into three categories: sattvic, rajasic and tamasic. In Puranas, onion and garlic have been considered as rajasic and tamasic. Along with this, they are also considered as the food of evil tendencies. Consuming these can distract the mind, while fasting requires concentration. That’s why their consumption is prohibited during fasting.


Obstacles in the path of spirituality

According to Sanatana Dharma, vegetables like onion and garlic increase passion, enthusiasm and ignorance, which makes it difficult to walk on the path of spirituality and affects one’s consciousness. For this reason their consumption is considered prohibited.

change in behavior

Some people believe that consuming more garlic and onion also changes a person’s behavior. These vegetables come under the category of impure food. That’s why its consumption is prohibited for Brahmins.