Friday , September 20 2024

Non-Vegetarian Food: All meat eaters should be alert.. What do these 5 symptoms look like?


Non Vegetarian Food: In today’s time, we are paying attention to health. Consuming cold drinks at will can harm us. This causes many diseases. This results in the production of uric acid. Meat is the cause of uric acid problem. That’s why it is better that we reduce non-vegetarian food. But how many listen to what we say. They eat whatever they like.

If the amount of uric acid increases, then it affects the kidney. The problem of uric acid increases further by eating non-veg. Today the problems related to uric acid are becoming serious. Eating non-veg can increase uric acid. The high protein in meat can increase uric acid levels.

Increase in uric acid indicates liver and kidney damage. Uric acid should be between 4 to 4.5 mg in men and 3.5 to 6 mg in women. But it has more to do with our food and drink. Kidney failure occurs due to increase in uric acid. This makes treatment imperative.

If early care is taken, the problem of uric acid can be cured. Severe kidney pain and inability to move, arthritis, excessive uric acid causes unbearable pain. This means that there is a stone in the kidney. There are no symptoms of uric acid. It is detected by blood test. The problem of uric acid can also be avoided by physical activity. You can get rid of this problem by drinking more water. Making lifestyle changes will give results. Exercise is also a suggestion.