Tuesday , September 17 2024

Never commit such mistakes in Brahmi Muhurta


Yes Hindus consider Brahmi Muhurta more sacred. If they get married during this time, then their married life will be happy. Any auspicious work done during this period will be rewarded. But let us know which things should not be done in Brahmi Muhurta.

First mistake: Sleeping in Brahmi Muhurta. Yes, according to Hindu traditions if you sleep in Belgaja Jawa i.e. Brahmi Muhurta then it indicates poverty. That’s why it is believed that by getting up in the Brahmi Muhurta, taking a bath and doing worship and good deeds, the work that we had thought about gets completed.

It is said that when we stop sleeping in Brahmi Muhurta, then only we can achieve the highest level if we want to fulfill our goals.

Second mistake: Eating food in Brahmi Muhurta. Yes, it is a Hindu tradition to get up early in the morning to take a bath, finish the puja and have food. But eating Brahmi while eating increases the sugar level in the person’s body and worsens the health.

Third mistake: The third mistake is to shed tears on Brahmi Muhurt. According to Hindu traditions, Brahmi Muhurta is an auspicious time when the deities are pleased. So be happy at this time. Be as calm as possible. It is said that in such a time if you do acts of war like tears, quarrel, anger etc. then it will not be good for the person and they will not get the way of success.