Friday , September 20 2024

National Dengue Day: National Dengue Day: Health Department instructions, preventive measures..!


In the past few years, India has seen an all-time high of dengue cases. To create awareness about the condition, National Dengue Day is observed on 16 May. Dengue is a vector-borne disease that can be very painful and even fatal. Dengue 1 in 4 is caused by a closely related dengue virus. These viruses are related to West Nile infection and yellow fever.

There are 390 million dengue cases worldwide every year. Dengue is common in tropical regions of the world such as the Indian subcontinent, Southeast China, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, the Caribbean, the Pacific Islands, Mexico, and Africa. Dengue fever is spread by the bite of an Aedes mosquito infected with the dengue virus. Dengue is spread by a mosquito that bites a person infected with dengue. Also, dengue is a vector borne disease which is highly contagious.

Symptoms of dengue fever start appearing after 6 days of infection. Sudden and high fever is one of the most common symptoms of dengue fever. Other symptoms include pain behind the eyes, severe headache, joint and muscle pain, nausea, fatigue, vomiting, skin rash, and light bleeding 5 days after the onset of fever.

Mild symptoms of dengue are often mistaken for a viral infection or the flu. Young children and people who have not had dengue before have milder symptoms than older children and adults. Sometimes, dengue can cause serious complications like hemorrhagic fever. This is a condition that damages lymph and blood vessels, causing high fever, bleeding nose and gums, enlargement of the liver, and failure of the circulatory system. Sometimes, the symptoms can lead to severe bleeding and shock and death. This condition is known as dengue shock syndrome (DSS).

People with weakened immune systems are at higher risk of dengue and those who have a second or subsequent infection.


National Dengue Day 2023: What are the latest dengue treatment guidelines by the health department

Measures taken by the government to control dengue
*Giving more priority to villages, hilly areas, border areas, tribal areas, backward villages away from health services in the progress of health programmes.
* To create health awareness on mosquito borne diseases and their control.
At present, for dengue control, a group and rally will be organized with the welfare development heads of the local residents.
* In addition to control, the districts have been advised to follow the guidelines to be done at primary center, state, district and taluk level and give priority to disease control.
* It has been decided to start ‘Dengue Rath’ in all the districts of the state to create awareness for necessary cooperation of the community in the implementation of dengue control measures.
* Demonstration and presentation programs were organized by school students on innovative measures of dengue control.
* Creating awareness with community participation about importance of mosquito borne diseases and their control, community water storage practices, self-protection practices, clean environment, drinking/water consumption.
* Officials of government departments who are close to the community, members of voluntary organizations and influential people at the village level.
* The government has already conducted daily survey and eradication of Aedes mosquitoes in rural and urban areas by health workers and ASHA volunteers.


National Dengue Day 2023: What are the latest dengue treatment guidelines by the health department

tips to follow
* Water in tanks, barrels, drangs in the house should be emptied weekly, washed clean and filled with water.
* Care should be taken not to fill rain water in the things thrown around the house.
* To prevent the growth of dengue spreading Aedes mosquitoes in indoor and outdoor areas of all public and private offices and institutions.
* Aedes mosquito bites during the day, so children, elderly and women resting during the day should use mosquito nets.
* Apart from this, several instructions have been issued by the health department to the health workers and Shah Swayamsavam to ensure that the advice given for dengue control is followed during home visits.