Myths vs Facts: Normal delivery is not possible after C-section? Know some common myths and facts related to it


C-section Myth vs Fact: C-section delivery is becoming increasingly popular these days. Unlike the olden days, now women are giving birth to more babies through cesarean delivery. When women cannot have a normal delivery due to certain medical conditions, they have to opt for a cesarean section. Although C-section delivery has become quite common these days, there are still many misconceptions about it in the minds of people. If you are also among those people who believe in some myths related to C-section, then let us know about some common myths related to C-section and their truth-

Myth 1: Normal delivery is not possible after a C-section.

Fact: Many people believe that it is very difficult to have a normal delivery once you have had a C-section. But, it is not entirely correct. Normal delivery is possible even after cesarean. However, some factors are important for this, such as the number of stitches used during the C-section. How often are C-sections done? Have any medical condition etc.

Myth 2: There is absolutely no pain in a C-section as compared to a normal delivery.

Fact: It is generally believed that a C-section is less painful than a normal delivery. But this is also not entirely true. Although C-section is less painful than normal delivery, it does not mean that there is no pain at all. Although pain is less during a C-section, women may experience pain for 2 to 6 weeks after the operation. Along with this, special care has to be taken of the surgical wound.

Myth 3: Is there less bleeding after delivery after a C-section?

Fact: Many people believe that vaginal bleeding is less after a C-section. But it is not so at all. Whether you had a C-section or a normal delivery, it does not affect the amount of bleeding after childbirth.

Myth 4: Are there problems with breastfeeding after a C-section? Fact: People often think It is difficult for women to breastfeed after a C-section delivery. But this is totally wrong. It has no effect on normal or caesarean breastfeeding. After a C-section, women can breastfeed during a normal delivery. But if there is any problem in breastfeeding, then there may be some other reason behind it, for which a doctor should be consulted.

Myth 5: Losing weight after a C-section is difficult.

Fact: Many women believe that they will gain weight after a C-section, which is very difficult to lose. But this is not true at all. Losing weight after a cesarean delivery can be difficult, but not impossible. In fact, it takes some time for the body to recover after a C-section. In such a situation, you can do physical activities to reduce weight with the advice of a doctor.