Friday , September 20 2024

Lucky Sign On Palm: If this mark is on the palm then after 35 years the owner of property worth crores will become


palmistry In addition to the lines on the hand, a lot can be known about a person’s future through shapes. There are some lines and marks in the palm which give good luck to the person. These lines or marks make a person lucky and wealthy. One such auspicious sign is ‘V’.

It is said that the person who has V symbol in his hand makes a lot of progress after the age of 35. There is no dearth of wealth in their life. Along with this, money keeps coming to such people from all sides. Not only this, such people also get the grace of God.

Where is this mark?

Lucky 'V' Sign

This mark in the palm is above the heart line, below the index and middle finger. People who have this mark in their hands are very lucky. Such people achieve a lot of success in their life. According to palmistry, the person who has ‘V’ mark on his palm, his luck shines brightest after 35 years. Such people become successful in whatever they do after 35 years. At the age of 35, he is rapidly climbing the stairs of success in his career. He has immense wealth.


According to palmistry, if the line emerging from the heart line makes a V mark between the index and middle finger, then the person makes a lot of progress in business. Along with this, such people also earn a lot of money from business.

People with ‘V’ symbol in their hand are mostly of positive thoughts. Such people are always ready to help friends or relatives. Such people are clean hearted and trustworthy.