Sunday , September 8 2024

Knowledge News: Why ice floats in water but sinks in alcohol


New Delhi: We see many things throughout the day, but do not pay attention to many things and do not try to know why this happens? What is the reason behind this? We all know that ice floats when put in water, but when ice is put in alcohol, it sinks. Have you ever wondered why this happens? Maybe some people know the answer and they know why this happens? But we say to those who do not know why ice is immersed in alcohol? And why does it float in water?

more dense than liquids

In fact, if a liquid is more dense than an object, it sinks in the liquid.


Let’s talk about water first, why does ice float in water?

snow density

The density of water is 1.0 per cubic centimeter. At the same time, the density of ice is 0.917 per cubic centimeter.

floating ice

Due to which the density of water is low, ice starts floating in water.

higher density of alcohol

Similarly, the density of alcohol is 0.789 per cubic centimeter which is more than the density of ice. This is the reason why as soon as ice is added to the wine, it sinks into it.