Friday , September 20 2024

Know the benefits of rainbow diet, include these things in your diet from today itself.


Everyone likes to be healthy in the run-of-the-mill life. For this, they do a healthy diet plan. If you also want a healthy life, then you also need to follow a special diet plan. Nowadays a new trend is being seen in dieting. It has been named Rainbow Diet. But do you know what is this rainbow diet and what is included in it? So know how this diet benefits you.

Know what is rainbow diet

Different colored fruits and vegetables are eaten daily in this diet. It helps in keeping the body healthy. This diet also helps in meeting the deficiency of many micro and macro nutrients. You can include colorful and healthy foods like spinach, carrots, strawberries in this diet. A rainbow diet rich in these foods will keep you healthy. Learn how to follow the Rainbow Diet.

This diet means eating colorful and healthy food. For this, you can include all rainbow colored foods in your diet like…


For red colour, include tomatoes, red chillies, strawberries, watermelon. Red foods help keep the heart and urinary tract healthy.



For orange colour, things like carrots, oranges, sweet potatoes and apricots can be included in the diet. It also acts as an immunity booster along with reducing inflammation in the body.


Yellow things help in increasing the eyesight and also protect against many types of cancer. For this, you can include pineapple, banana, lemon.


Include spinach, broccoli, avocado, kiwi and other green leafy vegetables in the diet. They are also very beneficial for pregnant women, which will help in the development of their child.


blue and purple

Fruits and vegetables of both these colors are rich in antioxidants. In addition, they are helpful in controlling blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart disease. For this, things like blueberry, purple grapes, brinjal can be included in your diet.


White color in the diet is for the strength of bones and teeth. Apart from this, it also helps in maintaining the cholesterol level. For fair complexion, eat things like cauliflower, onion, garlic and mushroom.

What are the benefits of Rainbow Diet?

  • Colorful fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and low in calories. Including these in the diet helps in maintaining a healthy weight. Apart from this, the appetite of Kasme decreases.
  • The colorful diet powers the body with phytochemicals, which will strengthen the immune system and keep health problems at bay.
  • While low in calories, colorful fruits and vegetables keep you healthy, keeping your energy levels up throughout the day.
  • Colorful fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber. Fiber present in fruits and vegetables is also beneficial in stomach problems.
  • Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, eating colorful fruits and vegetables helps keep skin healthy and soft.
  • The body needs essential nutrients to function properly. For this, by eating fruits and vegetables of different colors, the body gets many nutrients and vitamins, which help in staying healthy.