Friday , September 20 2024

Keep home cool without AC and cooler to reduce electricity bill in summer


Tips to keep the room cool naturally: It is difficult to live without AC and cooler in summer. That’s why the electricity bill also comes good in this season. Tips for keeping your home cool can help you get relief from both the heat and the cost.

Summer has arrived in India. Now fans are running in many houses. But the time is not far when air conditioners and coolers work 24 hours in every house.

If you pay the electricity bill, then you should know that this season the highest bill will also come. But you can’t do anything because the heat of the atmosphere doesn’t give you a chance to think about anything else. But there are some measures by which you can reduce your expenses to a great extent. How we are giving some tips in this article.

These tips are effective and inexpensive for keeping your home cool naturally in the summer. In such a situation, everyone can try it easily.

Plant plants on the terrace-balcony

Areas with less vegetation are hotter. That’s why plant more and more trees around the house.

Actually, the soil used to grow the plant absorbs the sun’s rays directly into the house. In such a situation, the house will not be very hot. Apart from this, trees and plants also act as a cooling agent for the hot winds. This also lowers the temperature in the house.

hanging bamboo curtains at home

Apart from keeping the dust out, curtains also work to prevent hot winds from entering the house. In such a situation, bamboo curtains are the best option. It keeps the house cool as well as enhances its beauty. Instead of bamboo curtains, you can also use dark colored curtains.

Keep windows and doors open before and after sun exposure

Keep the house open as much as possible to allow natural cool air in the summer. Open all the windows and doors of the house every morning and evening. This keeps the temperature inside the house cool even without the AC cooler.

use low power appliances

If you have a lot of electrical appliances in your house, try to reduce their use during summer. Because these devices which make your work easy emit a lot of heat. This increases the temperature of your house. In such a situation, it is better to use less washing machine, oven, press, washing machine dryer.

don’t clutter the house

Don’t keep things cluttered in the house as this will also increase the heat. The more open and empty the house, the colder it feels. In such a situation, it is necessary to manage all the things as much as possible.

ceiling whitewash

In summer the white color acts as a reflective layer. In such a situation, it is beneficial to paint the roof with white lime to keep the house cool.