
2839111 SmartphoneOld Smartphone Selling:  If you want to sell your old phone and buy a new phone in its place, then now we are going to tell you some tricks which can be very useful in getting a good price for your old smartphone.

camera cleaning

While clicking pictures with the camera of an old smartphone, you do not get the same quality as before and sometimes the reason for this is that the camera is not cleaned properly and its lens gets dirty from inside. In such a situation, whenever you try to correct the picture, you have to face problems. Keeping this in mind that this does not happen to you, you should always get your old smartphone screened before selling it so that good photos can be clicked.

battery boosting

If you are not using your smartphone for a long time and now want to sell it, then first of all get its battery boosted, this will ensure that the customer to whom you sell the smartphone will not face any problem with the battery and you will get good money for this. You will also get good prices.

It is necessary to change the cabinet

If you are going to sell your old smartphone, then it is obvious that there will be many types of scratches on its body which do not look good and also after seeing them outside, it will offer a lower price for your old smartphone, this may not happen to everyone. And to make your old smartphone look stylish and new, you have to get its cabinet changed and in those smartphones which do not have a cabinet, you can change the back panel of them to give it a new look.

display repair

If there are small cracks on your smartphone display, then you should get it replaced immediately because if you give your old smartphone to a customer then he will not pay a good price for it.