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Home / Health / If you also eat mangoes in excess then beware of this health problem!

If you also eat mangoes in excess then beware of this health problem!


Till date I have not seen anyone who says that he does not like mangoes. Eating one mango fruit does not give satisfaction, the stomach eats a lot yet still yearns, this is the specialty of the taste of mango fruit.

But don’t make the mistake of eating too many mangoes, because eating too many mangoes can cause some health problems, let’s see what problems can be caused by eating too many mangoes:

Sugar can increase in the body: Even if you do not have diabetes, if you eat too much mango, the amount of sugar will often cause fatigue, so mango should not be eaten too much, especially if you have diabetes, it is good. To eat mangoes in moderation.
Latex allergy precautions Some people have a problem with latex allergy. If such people consume more of mango fruit, then this problem will increase further. This causes itching in the skin, swelling of the throat, difficulty in breathing.

Eating too many mangoes can lead to obesity , Since it is high in fiber, eating too much can lead to bloating, so don’t eat too much.
my weight gain
Eating too many mangoes can make me gain weight. If you need to maintain fitness, do not consume more than 330 grams in a day, that is, eating one mango is enough.

Do not use artificially ripened mangoes.
There are many mangoes available in the market. If you’re confused as to which are artificially ripened and which are natural, look at the stem. If the fruit is cooked with artificial powder, its pod will not ripen. Also, naturally ripe mangoes are sweet to eat, but if mangoes have been cooked with powder, then you will know when you eat the fruit, do not give such a fruit. Also, do not give mango powder to babies as it can cause health problems.


When is it good to eat mangoes?
You can eat mango whenever you want, but it is best to eat mango half an hour before or half an hour after eating. Eating such helps our body to absorb the nutrients present in it. From now on you can drink milkshake, juice, but eat mangoes like this.