Friday , September 20 2024

If the husband and wife separate and there is no divorce, then all these problems


Some couples live separately because they cannot live together. There is no relationship between them as husband and wife, they are husband and wife in name only, he is her father and she is her father, but they are not divorced.

Divorce is good if two people want to separate. But some people don’t want to get divorced thinking that they can live together, some don’t understand that if we get divorced, it will harm our children, and some people don’t get divorced because they are two different people. And what is the point of divorce. But both are difficult to live together, if they cannot live together then divorce is a better option than living separately. Why for:


have no rights as husband and wife
And if they separate then it is a big headache… two people separate and then one of them comes to a situation where there is no one to take care of him, so they say he has a wife and Children and not taking care of her. Many such cases are happening before our eyes. Others leave home and kids when they are well and comfortable with themselves, then come home and kids. Inevitably there may be a situation where they need to be taken care of. If it doesn’t work out and separate, then divorce is the best way to end the relationship.

Later they may come asking for a share of your earnings,
Those who complain that your share is nothing, when you work hard and reach a point, they may come and ask you to give them a share in the property. Or they can come and say that I have the right on the children, come home and fight for some reason, in this way they will get upset in one way or the other, if there is a divorce then there will be peace because they have no relation with each other . To you.

claiming custody of children
They cannot fully take care of the children, but they want authority over the children. My kids always complain that I want kids. If there is a single divorce, the court will decide with whom the children live, how much money is to be paid for the maintenance of the children, etc., as the decision will be within the scope of the law. Also, children who are already tired of their parents’ nagging may not want to go any further. According to the decision of the court, children should live with whomever they like to live with.


For all these reasons, if two people feel that they cannot live together and have been living separately for a few years, then it is better to get divorced.