Friday , September 20 2024

How to store mushrooms for months


Mushroom is called mushroom in English. Mushroom Biryani Mushroom Fried Rice The name makes your mouth water? Mushrooms contain many nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, mineral salts and vitamins. You can also make papad, pickle, biscuit, toast, cookies, noodles, jam, sauce, soup, bread, chips, sev, chakli etc at home with mushroom.

It is mostly consumed by vegetarians. Mushrooms are a bit expensive as compared to other vegetables and hence are not used in everyday food. But we will definitely eat it once. Also, since the mushroom is highly perishable, it is brought and used for cooking the day it is needed. So what to do to keep mushrooms fresh for months? If you follow these tips, the mushrooms are sure to stay fresh for months.

do not wash mushrooms
Mushrooms contain 80 to 90 percent water. Its fine texture is like a sponge and absorbs a lot of water. Too much moisture can also spoil mushrooms. If you want to collect mushrooms, don’t go washing them. Pick up too When you want to use mushrooms, wash them thoroughly and use them.

avoid strong smelling things
Avoid strong smelling things like onions. Because mushroom absorbs all the smell of such things. It spoils its own taste completely.

5 best tips in Kannada on how to preserve mushrooms for long


You can pack the mushroom in paper box and
Can be kept fresh for weeks when tightly wrapped in a paper bag. This will prevent the mushrooms from spoiling quickly. If you use sliced ​​mushrooms, they can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

fry in butter
Cut the mushrooms into small pieces and fry them in butter for some time. Then cool it well and put it in a plastic bag or an airtight container and keep it in the fridge. If this is done, the mushroom can stay fresh for a few months without losing its original flavor.