Thursday , September 19 2024

How to beat the heat: Suffering from sweating? These simple tips will definitely come in handy in summer


How To Beat The Heat: This summer is very serious for us. This year the heat is being felt more than every year. Due to continuous sweating, there is a lack of water in our body. This sweat stays at one place. This causes rashes and itching and some people get blisters. But when those rashes or blisters burst and water comes out, then it becomes a cause of more trouble. If you want to get rid of all these things then drink a lot of water. Beware of strong sunlight. The American Academy of Dermatology Association has shared some tips to stop sweating and survive the scorching heat. Today we are going to know.

use cotton clothes
Do not wear fitted clothes while wearing cotton clothes. If you wear fitting clothes, the sweat stays on your skin.

stay hydrated
It is very important to keep your body hydrated during summers. So drink plenty of water in summer to keep your skin hydrated. Apart from water, you can also drink fruit juices and coconut water. It lowers your body temperature and keeps it cool.

avoid going out in the sun
Unless you have to go out in the afternoon. Go out only if there is some urgent work, but take water with you while leaving. Drink fruit juice in between.

Avoid using chemical products because
Due to sweating in summer, your skin becomes very dry. In such a situation, many people use different products. No matter how many chemicals are in it. So now you start using herbal products. During this, you can use oil free moisturizer and skin care products.

talcum powder
Different talcum powders are available in the market for summer heat or sweating. Use only when sweating. Because by using this powder your body will get cool and the skin will become dry.

work at home

Working out is very important. At that time, if you have a habit of doing workouts outside, then wake up early in the morning and come to do workouts. But if your time is not fixed, then prefer to do workouts at home.

take care of skin

Pay special attention to the skin in summer. Shower daily to protect your body from bacteria and sweat. Use herbal soap containing neem and some Ayurvedic herbs. Keep your surroundings clean as well as keep your body clean. Do not use chemical soaps and shampoos.