Thursday , September 19 2024

Herbs For Fertility: These 7 Ayurvedic herbs increase fertility in men and women


New Delhi: Poor fertility forces many couples to seek further treatment. Child happiness can be achieved with the help of advanced treatment. Most couples resort to ART ie assisted reproductive treatment, which includes IVF and IUI. Apart from this, the treatment of infertility is also possible in Ayurveda, so let’s know about it.

Ayurvedic remedies to increase fertility

Ayurveda has been found to be particularly successful for sexual arousal. Which is necessary for men as well as women. Decreased sexual arousal and fertility is not a good sign for anyone’s health. So let’s know about 7 Ayurvedic remedies that increase the fertility level.


It works to promote the body’s natural detoxification during menstruation. Also keeps the hormone levels balanced. Both of these help in increasing fertility in women.


Ashwagandha has been used for centuries to maintain health. It increases testosterone levels and its consumption can also increase sperm quality and motility.


Shilajit is known to increase testosterone levels, which may help improve sexual performance and fertility. As it reduces fatigue and increases stamina, this remedy is especially preferred by athletes.

White Muesli

It has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to enhance fertility and sexual power. It has been proved that Safed Musli works to increase the level of testosterone. Due to which the quality of sperm as well as mobility also increases. It also reduces stress and anxiety.


Shatavari is a very effective Ayurvedic medicine, which is used to solve many problems in mothers including low milk supply, low weight and low libido. It is rich in natural phytoestrogens, which help with sexual desire and menstruation in women.


Ayurveda promotes the herb Gokshura, also known as Tribulus Terrestris, to enhance male potency. It is known to increase testosterone levels, which can increase muscle mass and sexual function. Being a natural diuretic, gokshura can help increase urinary function.

Vidari scandal

It is known to promote general health and strength. May also help increase muscle growth and sexual performance.

Do they also have side effects?

However, most people can use these Ayurvedic medicines without any side effects. But still consult an Ayurvedic expert before using them.