Saturday , September 21 2024

Health Tips: Special measures to increase the immune system, there will be no need of medicines and pills


Boost Immunity In Marathi: Due to changing environment, pollution, changing eating habits, many people are getting sick continuously. Common problems like cold, cough, fever, body pain, headache etc. always remain. All these problems weaken the immune system of the body. You were a victim of many such serious diseases. In such a situation, it is necessary to take care of oneself as well as to increase immunity to prevent various infectious diseases. If you also want to increase your immune system, then know the special measures…

Green Tea and Black Tea Both are very helpful in boosting the immune system. But it should be consumed only two cups a day. If it is consumed in excess, then the chances of harm are high.

Garlic – Eating raw garlic helps a lot in boosting immunity as it is rich in allicin, zinc, sulphur, selenium and vitamins A and E.

Curd- Regular consumption of curd keeps the immune system strong. Along with this, it helps in making the digestive system smooth. That is, by eating curd, you can stay away from many diseases.

Oats Oats are rich in fiber. It also has anti-microbial properties, so eating oats daily can boost your immunity.

vitamin D- Vitamin D is very important for our body. That is, you get the strength to fight against various diseases. Along with this, bones become strong and heart related diseases stay away. That’s why it is necessary to take Vitamin D.

vitamin C – Consumption of Vitamin C is very beneficial in preventing infectious diseases. Vitamin C is abundant in lemon, amla, orange. That’s why fruits containing vitamin C should be eaten regularly.

Papaya – Papaya is rich in Vitamin A. Consuming papaya gives relief from many diseases. A certain amount of papaya can be eaten daily. By consuming it in summer, energy remains in the body throughout the day.

Guava – This fruit is very beneficial for our health. Guava is a very good and nutritious fruit for skin, body and hair. Guava is a good source of Vitamin A. People who suffer from gas, indigestion, upset stomach and constipation consume guava. Apart from this, Peru does the work of cleaning the blood.

Fenugreek – Very suitable for your body. This fruit is tasty and beneficial for health. Vitamin A is found in abundance in spinach. Also, being rich in properties like potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, eating fruits increases immunity rapidly.

Gooseberry – As much as amla is beneficial for your health and skin, equally amla is beneficial for increasing immunity. It is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Potassium and Magnesium. Amla is rich in anti-oxidants, which increases immunity.

Eggs Eggs can provide Vitamin-D to your body. Egg yolk is very nutritious and rich in protein. This gives the body Vitamin-D. Fish is a good source of Vitamin-D for non-vegetarians.