Friday , September 20 2024

Health Tips: Never ignore these 5 pains .. can be dangerous


In real life the kind of lifestyle we follow, the food we eat, the life we ​​live without physical exercise, the stress of work is constantly causing many pains in our body. But doctors have warned that some parts of the body are extremely painful but if left untreated, they can become more dangerous and cause other diseases. It is advised that 5 types of pain should never be ignored.

And those pains are.. muscle pains. Although there are many reasons for muscle pain, it is important to recognize that muscle pain is due to vitamin deficiency and take a nutritious diet accordingly. However, if the muscle pain does not subside, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Back pain, back pain. Earlier this problem used to occur only in old age. But now they are coming in front of everyone, big or small. Many youngsters also suffer from back pain and back pain. But you must go to the doctor and get treated, even if it is a day pain.

Another pain that should not be ignored is abdominal pain. Take a pain reliever to get relief from stomach pain. Frequent abdominal pain may be due to a urinary tract infection, a digestive disorder, or a problem with the reproductive system. So do not ignore stomach pain and see a doctor.

Another pain that should not be ignored is chest pain. Many people do not pay much attention to chest pain. If chest pain is on the left side, then it is said to be even more dangerous. It can also lead to a heart attack earlier, so it is advised to consult a doctor if chest pain is repeated.


heart attack

Another pain that should not be neglected is the headache. Due to lack of sleep, due to high pressure of work, high emotions lead to headache. But it is said that if the habit of frequent headaches is ignored, many new health problems can arise in the head and there is a possibility of its effect on the brain as well. That’s why it is advised that these pains should not be ignored even by mistake.