Friday , September 20 2024

Health Tips: If you eat raw onion daily then sugar control..and many more benefits!!


Ayurvedic doctors say that eating raw onion daily is very good for our body. It is said that by eating 50 grams of onions daily, many health problems of the body go away and the sugar of sugar patients comes under control.

People suffering from diabetes who are taking allopathic medicines and do not feel any benefit from those medicines, they are told that they can eat 50 grams of raw onion daily for a week and then check how much diabetes is under control. . Onions are said to control diabetes and 50 grams of spring onions is equivalent to 20 units of insulin.

It is said that onion should be eaten raw or mixed with rice in the morning. If you cannot eat 50 grams of onion at one go, then you can eat onion sometime during the day. It is said that if you cannot eat raw onions directly, then you can make it like a green soup and add more onions to it.

Apart from this, it is said that if someone is having burning sensation in urine, then boiling green onion pieces in water and drinking it definitely removes the burning sensation. Mixing a pinch of black salt in the pulp of onion and eating it two to three times a day stops loose motion and vomiting.

It is said that eating three spoons of vinegar after chewing an onion into pulp reduces digestive problems and strengthens the digestive system. It is said that if green onions are eaten regularly in some form or the other, the menstrual problem in women will reduce, the problem of sperm in men will go away and men will also become active in sex.

health tips:

Apart from this, it is said that eating raw onions keeps problems like BP, heart attack, asthma, sleeplessness, obesity, allergies and infections at bay. Ayurvedic doctors recommend that if we include 50 grams of green onions daily in our diet, then many types of health problems can be curbed.