Saturday , September 21 2024

Health Tips: Do not eat these cold things in summer, it gives warmth to the body


Health Tips: In the summer season, people include such foods in their diet, which keep the body cool. In this season, you enjoy a variety of delicious fruits. Apart from keeping the body cool, it also prevents many diseases. But apart from these fruits, there are many other foods that people enjoy in summer. Although their taste is very cold, they generate heat instead of keeping the body cool.

Yes, recently Ayurvedic expert Dr. Vara Lakshmi has shared a post on Instagram, in which she has told that there are some cold foods which can be harmful to consume in summer.

ice water

To get relief from the heat, people often drink water mixed with ice. But ice water is not considered cold in Ayurveda. Drinking ice water produces heat in the stomach which can make you sick.


Curd is considered very important in the summer diet. It keeps the digestive system healthy. According to Ayurveda, curd slows down the digestion process. If you eat curd daily in this season then there may be problems like indigestion, flatulence and weight gain in the body.

ice cream

In summer people enjoy ice cream to keep the body cool. But it is rich in sugar and fat which is difficult to digest. It generates excessive heat in the body due to which you may suffer from digestive problems, lethargy and heaviness.


Lemon is rich in Vitamin-C. Which is considered very beneficial for health. But in summer it can be harmful for you. They increase heat in the body. Consuming more lemon in this season can cause heartburn, acidity or skin problems.


According to Ayurveda, tomato produces heat in the body. That’s why it should be avoided in summer. The taste of tomato is sour and slightly acidic. Consuming more tomatoes in summer can cause problems like acidity, skin rashes or swelling.