Friday , September 20 2024

Gujarat ATS has busted an active group of Al Qaeda India


Ahmedabad: The vigilance of the Gujarat Police regarding the Rath Yatra to be held on June 20 in Ahmedabad has met with great success. Gujarat Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) has busted an active Al Qaeda India gang. ATS arrests a Bangladeshi named Sojeeb, who during interrogation makes many shocking revelations. ATS has started questioning some people in custody in this connection.

According to police sources, this gang was being operated from Bangladesh. At the behest of their bosses sitting in Bangladesh, efforts were being made to radicalize the youth of Gujarat by targeting them. Evidence of funding for terrorists from abroad has also been found. ATS has been successful in arresting the ringleaders of these gangs by conducting raids before they carry out any major incident.

According to the police, the Intelligence Bureau (IB) alerted about a terror attack in Gujarat two days ago. Following this, ATS arrested 3 suspects from Narol on Sunday in a major operation. It has been revealed that these three youths are Bangladeshis. The police are also probing the possibility of his connection with Pakistan.

During the investigation, an active gang of Al-Qaeda India has been exposed. ATS has arrested a Bangladeshi named Sojib. This gang was working to radicalize the youth of Gujarat. Police suspect that this operation was carried out in Gujarat with the help of Pakistani and Bangladeshi youths.