Friday , September 20 2024

Food should be eaten at the same time every day, know why


In today’s run-of-the-mill life, we put more emphasis on work than on food. Eating out after work means some people skip breakfast and have breakfast and lunch with brunch. But this will increase more problems. You must have heard that even doctors should eat at regular intervals. There are many reasons for this. There are many reasons why you should eat at the right time every day. he is…

better metabolism a better
Metabolism is how your body burns calories. When there is a lack of food in our body, our body feels it through hunger. But if you suppress appetite and skip the daily schedule and eat only occasionally, the metabolism that burns calories slows down. This makes it difficult to lose body weight. Skipping breakfast or lunch not only leads to insulin imbalance but also type 2 diabetes.


keeps you active
Eating at the same time every day will keep your body active during your work. By letting your body get used to your time, you can increase your energy levels and focus your mind. Skipping meals adversely affects the body’s metabolism, affecting mood and daily performance.

helps body detox
When you eat food, your body gets a lot of nutrients. Liver detoxes our body. But changing the timing of your meals can affect this activity. When you eat dinner at or after 10 pm, it puts stress on your body as the liver does its detoxification process while you sleep. Thus, in order not to disturb the detoxification process, you must have your dinner on time.

Prevents Unhealthy Snacking
By eating on time every day, your body adjusts to a specific schedule. A regular diet helps the body get all the energy it needs and in turn can be avoided with less intake of sugar, unhealthy snacks and fast food. It is better to have fruits, dry fruits or cooked vegetables as a part of mid-day snack to maintain a certain amount of energy.


consistent routine
Setting a regular routine is a good habit to get into as it also makes healthy eating a priority. This leads to a healthy lifestyle, making time for workouts, focusing on daily tasks and having a productive day. It can be hard to stick to a routine in the beginning, but try to keep at it and it will get easier over time.

eat think
Just because you are on a diet, does not mean that you should skip meals or eat out at parties, functions. Plan everything out, eat a piece of fruit, cooked vegetables or nuts before dinner and provide your body with the fuel it needs to feel satisfied and complete your tasks.

your daily eating routine like this
Instead of eating too much at one go, schedule meals, snacks and healthy snacks to keep your energy levels up. What should your healthy eating schedule look like?


* Within an hour of waking up in the morning, eat food that is high in protein and low in sugar and carbs.
* Eat a light low-calorie snack after three hours. This will fuel your body till lunch.

* Have lunch after five hours of morning breakfast. In this, you should focus on lean protein foods such as chicken or fish, combined with complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and fiber.

* Eat healthy snacks three hours after lunch. Be it fruits or dry fruits. But be low calorie.
* Eat three hours before sleeping at night. It should include proteins, complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables.

It’s best to eat every 3 to 4 hours to keep your blood sugar stable and ease your digestion. Sticking to this schedule consistently throughout the day can help prevent overeating. Determining what and when you eat will help you maintain a balanced diet and provide the body with more consistent energy. So if you want to stay active throughout the day, you must eat at the right time.