Friday , September 20 2024

Fatty liver disease occurs even when body weight is low, know these 4 reasons..!


Fatty liver is a silent killer which slowly destroys our body. The problem of fatty liver is very dangerous because its symptoms are not detected earlier. Fatty Liver If there is excess fat in the liver, then it is called fatty liver. This causes inflammation and damage to the liver. Can fatty liver be reversed? But can the size of the liver be normalized? The recovery of a healthy liver from fatty liver problems is good news.

Dr. Akash Shukla, Director and Consultant, Department of Liver Disease, Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital, said, “Sometimes even thin people are diagnosed with fatty liver on ultrasound. You may wonder why skinny people get fatty liver disease. Even thin people get fatty liver disease. The risk of fatty liver disease puts them at risk of fatty liver disease for four reasons,” he said.

Four causes of fatty liver disease:

alcohol abuse: In general, wine or liquor is empty calories. These empty calories turn into fat very quickly in the liver. Plus, it’s not good for one. So the main reason for this is alcohol.

Lack of muscle mass: Another reason for this is the lack of muscle mass. People with heavy large muscles are less likely to develop fatty liver, especially core muscles. This is because these muscles burn fat for fuel and protect against liver disease. However, very thin people have very little muscle. Therefore, they are predisposed to fatty deposits in the liver. Additionally, this fat cannot be burned, which can lead to fatty liver disease.

Genetic Factors: The third reason may be a genetic mutation. Even people with a normal BMI can develop fatty liver disease due to genetics. Therefore, even those with a correct BMI should be cautious.

Why even slim people are at risk of fatty liver disease

Let us see how to reverse fatty liver and what you should do:


Metabolic Disorders:
A fourth cause of fatty liver disease can be a metabolic disorder such as Wilson’s disease. Fatty liver can be detected on ultrasound even when it is dilated, so caution should be exercised with regular checkups.

control alcohol consumption
The problem of fatty liver is more in alcohol lovers. So if you have fatty liver problem due to alcohol then control the alcohol.

eat healthy
Your diet plays an important role in liver health. Most fruits and vegetables contain fiber. Eat foods rich in healthy fats, carbohydrates, and fiber. Consume fish, linseed, olives, nuts, coconut, butter.

Do not eat high calorie foods
People with fatty liver problems should not consume high calorie foods. Foods that are high in fat can increase the problem of fatty liver, eating such foods can increase the problem of fatty liver. Do not eat meat with high fat content.

People with fatty liver problem should exercise. The CDC recommends 150 minutes of exercise per week. Walking, working out in the gym, doing yoga are all good.

Why even slim people are at risk of fatty liver disease

What kind of food should people with fatty liver problem eat?
, Drinking coffee is beneficial: Drinking coffee is good for liver health. Bella coffee is very beneficial
, Green Kale-Good Vegetable: People with fatty liver problem should consume more black.
, Beans and soy are also beneficial Beans and soy reduce the problem of fatty liver.
, fish: The omega 3 fatty acids present in fish help reduce inflammation of the liver.
, Porridge: Oatmeal has many benefits, you can maintain liver health and even control diabetes.
, Nuts eat some nuts daily
, Turmeric:It is good to eat a small piece of turmeric daily
, Sunflower seeds: Due to the amount of vitamin E in its seeds, it is useful in getting rid of the problem of fatty liver.
, Garlic: Garlic powder supplements are available to help reverse the problem of fatty liver.
, Fruit: Eat butternut or avocado. What type of food should not be consumed?
, Liquor : Health condition will be serious if alcohol is not curbed
, Sugar : Don’t touch sugar.
*sweet breakfast
, Salty Food: Avoid chips, popcorn, pickles
* White Bread, Pasta: Avoid these types of food
* Take red meat in limit