Monday , September 9 2024

Eating honey mixed with these things can be fatal, be careful!


Honey food combination effect: Honey provides many health benefits. Honey is full of medicinal properties. Honey is used as medicine in Ayurveda. The properties of vitamins A, B, C, protein, iron, calcium, phosphorus, iodine and sodium are found in honey, which are very beneficial for health. But honey can do more harm than good to your health. Yes, there are some things whose honey consumed with injurious to health It is possible . In such a situation, you should avoid consuming these things with honey. So let’s know what things should not be consumed with honey even by mistake.

Do not consume these things with honey

with hot things Honey should not be consumed with hot things even by mistake. Because honey has a warming effect. If you consume honey with hot things, it can upset your stomach and cause many stomach related problems. So avoid consuming honey with hot things.

honey food combination effect
honey food combination effect

with radish : Honey should not be consumed with radish even by mistake. Because by eating honey with radish, poisonous substances start forming in the body, due to which there is a fear of damage to some parts of the body. So avoid consuming honey with radish.

honey food combination effect
honey food combination effect

with tea and coffee Honey should not be consumed with tea and coffee even by mistake. Because consuming honey with tea and coffee can increase body temperature. Due to which problems like anxiety and stress can occur. So avoid consuming honey with tea and coffee.

with ghee and butter : Honey should not be consumed with ghee and butter even by mistake. Because consumption of ghee and butter along with honey can act as poison. So avoid consuming honey with ghee and butter.