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Home / Health / Drinking water immediately after running is harmful, it can spoil the health of the whole body.

Drinking water immediately after running is harmful, it can spoil the health of the whole body.


Water is very important in the human body. If there is a lack of water in our body, then many problems can arise. Water is an important chemical component of the body. About 60 to 70 percent of our body is water. All the cells, tissues and organs of the body require water to function properly. Lack of water in the body causes the problem of dehydration. That’s why it is necessary to drink 2 to 3 liters of water daily. But many people drink water while standing, it is considered very dangerous, one should not drink water while standing. Otherwise it may cause damage.

Never drink water while running as it affects the health of the whole body

According to the doctor’s opinion on this matter, one should never drink water while running, it can affect the health of the whole body. Drinking water while standing damages the kidney and liver. And this can disturb the balance of electrolyte in the body. Kidney acts as a filter in the body. And once the kidney stops working, many types of diseases occur in the body. In addition, the heart and lungs can be damaged. The thing to keep in mind is that one should never drink water while running, it can affect the health of the whole body. Nowadays people exercise by going to health club and then immediately drink water which is harmful for health.

Water should never be drunk while standing or lying down.

According to this proverb, we have to be aware of our health. According to doctors, one should never drink water while standing or sleeping. Everyone should always sit and drink water for their health. By drinking water while standing, the minerals present in the water do not reach the digestive system properly. And this can lead to indigestion, constipation and acid reflux. This mistake can be very fatal for those who suffer from indigestion or acidity.