Thursday , September 19 2024

Don’t buy on Saturday: Actually don’t buy these things on Saturday


Do not shop on Saturdays: If Shani Dosha is there then nothing will come together in life. It is natural to measure Shani with this. We pray to Shani Dev that good things happen to us. If Shani’s vision is not on us then it will be bad. That is why there is a practice of pleasing Lord Shanishwar by measuring it. Saturday is given to measure Shani Dev. A week is fixed for each deity. Thus the day of Saturday is measured for Saturday.

Shani likes animals. That’s why it is said that if Shanishwar quarrels with animals, he gets angry. Saturn will have an effect on us only by controlling them. Otherwise, Shani’s vision will not fall on us. Do not quarrel even with superficial people. It is said that by feeding any animal like dog, goat, cow, Shani gets sarcasm.

Do not cut hair or nails under any circumstances on Saturday. It will bring us bad luck. Shani Dev gets angry by doing this. Don’t consume alcohol and meat on Saturday. If taken, difficulties will come. If we eat non-vegetarian on Saturday then negative energy troubles us. Vastu experts advise not to travel in the north, east and north-east directions on Saturdays.

Do not bring iron or its related items in the house even by mistake on Saturday. Bringing such things into the house will bring bad luck. Therefore, the measures taken on Saturday should be done. Otherwise we will get Shanidosh. In this background, it is good to worship Shanishwar to avoid negative energy in our house.