Thursday , September 19 2024

Do you know that breastfeeding is good for both mother and child?


Breast milk is the best nutrition for the growth of the baby or the only food available for the growth of the baby. Not only does the child see the new world after coming out of the mother’s body, but we also see the development of the child by drinking the mother’s milk. Children do not develop by this rule made by nature. There will also be significant changes in the health of the mother.

Some people stop breastfeeding too soon because of their aesthetic considerations. But such a child and mother have to face many health problems. The baby should not stop breastfeeding for at least 6-8 months. Breast milk is the best health for the baby till 1-2 years. It is said that the health of the mother also becomes normal. Read here to know how breastfeeding can affect the health of the mother and the child…

good for health

Breastfeeding is the best food for the baby. Because mother’s milk has the power to fight toxins. Breastfed babies do not suffer from many problems like cold, sinus, ear infection, diarrhea and constipation.

Improves health of mother

Improves health of mother

Many people don’t know this. Breastfeeding also improves the health of the mother. Helps prevent heart problems, breast and ovarian cancer. Hormones like prolactin are released during breastfeeding. It also helps in improving the health of the uterus.


mom is comfortable

mom is comfortable

After delivery, the mother takes vitamins, calcium and 12 glasses of water. It maintains water balance in the health of the mother. Also it improves the health of the mother and makes her more energetic.


long term benefits for children

long term benefits for children

According to the World Health Organization, breastfeeding contributes to the best health for a child’s life. Children who are not breastfed for a period of time are more likely to suffer from a number of health problems, including overweight, obesity, and problems in adolescence.

for child development

for child development

Mother’s milk helps the baby to grow. It contains the right amount of carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins and fats. These help in promoting the healthy development of the child. The antibodies, enzymes and hormones present in breast milk provide good nutrition to the newborns.

strong bones

strong bones

Breastfeeding not only provides the right amount of calcium to the baby, but also helps the mother’s body absorb the calcium needed for bone formation. It avoids the problems of the hips and spine of the mother.

Increases immunity

Increases immunity

Some studies and research suggest that breastfeeding for at least 4 months reduces the risk of eczema, asthma, and food allergies. Low fat and high protein transport. It is also known to increase immunity in children.

sudden death problem

sudden death problem

Breastfeeding till six months can prevent the baby from getting SIDS. A child suffering from this problem may die suddenly. Breast milk, which promotes good sleep, reduces the risk of SIDS by up to 50%.

prevent cancer risk

prevent cancer risk

Breast milk can prevent the risk of cancer in children. Breastfeeding helps or prevents diseases such as Hodgkin’s disease and lymphoblastic leukemia.

good digestion

good digestion

Breastfed babies do not have diarrhea and digestive problems. The nutritional composition of breast milk is optimal as it develops a healthy digestive system in babies.

helps mom lose weight

helps mom lose weight

Breastfeeding reduces the extra fat in the mother’s body. In addition, the mother can regain her pre-pregnancy physical health. A mother usually needs 400-500 calories per day. It is said that breastfeeding burns 500 calories.

lowers the risk of diabetes

lowers the risk of diabetes

Breastfeeding keeps the mother away from the problem of diabetes. This process prevents type 1 and type 2 diabetes in the baby and the mother. Diabetes can cause other problems, including nerve damage, kidney damage, eye damage and heart problems.

can get good attention

can get good attention

Breastfeeding improves the vision of the baby. Some research suggests that babies who are breastfed are less likely to have vision problems.

postpartum health

postpartum health

Anemia is often seen in the mother’s body after delivery. In addition, the size of the uterus expands. Breastfeeding does not cause anemia in the mother’s body. Also the uterus shrinks and becomes healthy.