Friday , September 20 2024

Diet Tips: Why we should eat food at the same time every day


Many people say that food should be eaten on time and eating time should be followed. Medical experts say that eating food at the same time every day has many health benefits. Doctors say this time is critical for weight loss, improving mood and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Let us now know what happens to the body by eating food at the same time every day.. What are its health benefits.

Benefits of eating at the same time every day
* reduce weight:
Eating food at the same time every day can easily reduce your weight. When eating at regular intervals, the body tries to dissolve fat instead of storing it. It helps create the calorie deficit needed for weight loss.

* Improve mood
Eating at regular times also improves mood. If you don’t eat for a long time, your blood sugar level will drop. This causes fatigue, irritability and hunger pangs. Eating at regular intervals helps to keep blood sugar levels stable. It improves mood and energy levels.

* Lowers the risk of chronic diseases:
Eating at regular intervals reduces the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, heart attack, type 2 diabetes. Eating at regular times keeps the blood sugar level under control. It helps in preventing diseases.


How to start eating at the same time every day:
, Set a schedule for when to have meals and snacks.
, Try to have breakfast within 30 minutes of getting up.
, in the afternoon, as well as dinner around 6, 7 in the evening.
, If you get hungry in between, healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables, and nuts are great.

Benefits of eating food on time everyday:
, improve sleep
, improving energy levels
, lowers stress levels
, improves concentration
, boosts metabolism