Friday , September 20 2024

Depression: Do not ignore the symptoms of depression


Depression has become a common problem in modern times. It is a mental illness. Many people consider depression as a minor disease but it is not a minor disease. The treatment of this disease is very important. A person suffering from depression is always pessimistic and sad. He also looks at someone’s concerns with suspicion. Our body gives us some signals before the onset of every disease so that we can treat it before it spreads. By understanding them in time, we can avoid mental disorders.


to be sad

feeling tired early

Loss of will to live.

I don’t feel like doing any work.

lack of sleep

Doesn’t want to talk to anyone.

the reason

The disease of depression is proving fatal for us. Today every man has come under its grip. Apart from this, the competition to accumulate more than required is becoming a major cause of stress.

excessive use of mobile

Today everyone has a mobile phone. While mobile has made our life easier, it also has many disadvantages. Due to excessive use of mobile phones, we are not able to pay much attention to our health. Due to being addicted to mobile, children neither like to go out to play nor like to talk to anyone. Due to this, their nature also becomes irritable. Its excessive use also affects our brain.

drug use

Due to intoxication, a person also becomes a victim of depression. Taking drugs affects the nerves of the brain and the nerves get blocked.

how to survive?

Depression treatment is very important. On seeing the above symptoms of depression, one should immediately go to a specialist and get treated. Should be consulted. The most important thing is that if someone shows signs of depression, then the family members should talk to him lovingly.

One should spend more and more time with him as it becomes easier to beat depression with the love and support of the family. Take a walk every morning, which will bring fresh air to your lungs. Doing yoga or exercise will increase the metabolism in your body, due to which you will feel fresh and disease free during the day.

Most patients are 15 to 24 years old

According to a report, the prevalence rate of depression in India in the year 2022 is 4.50 percent and the cases are 56,675,69. Most of the patients of depression are between the age of 15 to 24 years. At this age, there is a lot of pressure on their mind, such as the tension of studies, the worry of the future, the tension of earning money, the tension of being successful in life, etc. Many students get depressed because of not getting good marks in the paper due to the anxiety of studies. Many people take wrong steps due to depression and even end their life.