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Deepika Kakar: TV actress Deepika Kakkar got this disease during pregnancy, the actress shared a video and explained the condition.


Deepika Kakkar Disease: TV actress Deepika Kakkar is going to be the mother of her first child soon. The third semester of her pregnancy is going on but during this time Deepika has fallen ill. The actress herself shared a video and told her fans about her illness and gave her health update. Also, the actress has also told why this disease occurs and how it can be controlled.

Deepika Kakkar was diagnosed with gestational diabetes
Deepika Kakkar told in her YouTube vlog ‘Deepika ki Duniya’ that she has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Deepika says that she said, “I did a gestational challenge test. Gestational diabetes is also a type of diabetes that develops between 24-28 weeks of pregnancy. Even if someone did not have diabetes before pregnancy, they can still get it. The risk of pregnancy is high during this period. In recent reports my blood sugar level was very high.”

What is gestational diabetes?
Deepika further says in her vlog that I thought I ate more mangoes, rice or sweets, but I was eating everything only after my doctor’s advice. This is very common. Gestational diabetes does not depend on what you ate in the previous months. As the baby and placenta grow, it releases many hormones. These hormones cause insulin resistance and that’s why you get gestational diabetes. It happens with many pregnant women and also with me.



How to control this disease
Deepika further says, ‘I cannot eat sugar, bakery, dates, rice, sweets and can only eat fruits like apples, pears. Exercise is very important. Walking is the best way to control diabetes. I have to be active and alert. I have to be a bit careful as my mother is diabetic. Deepika further talked about the Gestational Challenge Test procedure and said, “I have been given appropriate medicines. I have been asked to make some changes in my lifestyle. I have also bought a machine to check my sugar level after every meal.”