Cultivation of tuberose, if you want to earn big with less effort, then cultivate these flowers


Cultivation of Tuberose: Cultivation of horticulture crops is increasing in Gujarat. Horticulture earns the most. Due to which farmers are now turning towards horticulture crops. Tuberose is an evergreen herb. It has white flower stalks 75 to 100 cm long. Rajnigandha flowers are used to make bouquets.

Cultivation of these flowers gives good income. The important thing in floriculture is the price per unit. Cultivation of Rajnigandha can give you good profit. Its demand is high in the markets, that is why nowadays farmers are increasing their income by planting tuberose. Farmers cultivate Rajnigandha in almost all the states of the country. However, some special things have to be taken care of in its cultivation so that good yield can be obtained. Let us know the advanced methods of farming

Climate and soil
Rajnigandha is a plant of temperate climate. But it is grown throughout the year in temperate climates. In India, it grows well in temperate climate, hot and humid places. 20 to 35 degree temperature is suitable for the growth and development of Rajnigandha. It can be grown well in open space with full sun. A shaded area is not suitable. Although tuberose can be grown in all types of soil, it does best in sandy-loam or loamy soil.

Farm preparation
For the cultivation of Rajnigandha flower, first level the land of your farm, then plow the land. Plant tracks after each ploughing. So that the soil of the field becomes well pulverized. Sufficient quantity of compost should be added during last ploughing. Then how to make it in the field. Let us tell you that Rajnigandha flower is a tuberous crop. For the good development of this flower, it is necessary that the field should be prepared properly.

Planting of tubers
Tuberose plant is propagated by grafting. March-April is suitable for planting tubers. For its planting, 30 to 60 grams and 2 cm diameter tuber should be selected. Transplanting should be done using Blytros medicine on the tubers. Note that tubers of the same variety should be planted at a distance of about 15 to 20 cm and that too at a distance of 20 to 30 cm from one row to another. Plant the double variety tubers at a distance of about 20 cm and a depth of 5 cm.

Sufficient moisture is necessary while planting the tubers, when the buds of the tubers start coming out, watering should be avoided. Irrigation should be done at an interval of 5-7 days in summer season and at an interval of 10-12 days in winter season as per requirement. Even after this, the arrangement of irrigation should be decided keeping in view the weather condition, stage of crop growth and soil type.