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Home / World / Creepy scene of rain in Spain, cars swept away like matches

Creepy scene of rain in Spain, cars swept away like matches


Heavy rains caused flood-like conditions in many areas including Spain’s capital Madrid, throwing life out of gear. In many areas, water accumulated up to the waist and people were forced to stay in their homes. Basements were submerged, parks and streets were flooded, and property was badly damaged.

Heavy rains flooded a Spanish city and a large car was swept away like a matchbox. Whose video is going viral on social media.

This video has been posted on Twitter by a user named Amest. It is being said that the video is from some low-lying areas of Spain, where the city was flooded due to heavy rains. A man tried to drive a car in such a condition, but all his efforts failed in front of the water. It is being told that apart from this car, many vehicles have been washed away in the flood waters.

In the video you can see how the red colored car is being washed in water. A person has made a video of the car flowing through the window of his house. The car was submerged in several meters of water.