Thursday , September 19 2024

Consuming artificial sweeteners? So let’s know this issue!


Artificial sweeteners have become increasingly popular as a low-calorie alternative to sugar. Saccharin, aspartame, acesulfame potassium, sucralose, neotame and advantame are artificial sweeteners that are substitutes for added sugar. People with diabetes or those trying to lose weight are increasingly using low-calorie sweeteners.

Do you know how harmful sugar can be to the body if you use low calorie sweeteners? These sweeteners can cause everything from heart disease to vascular problems. Artificial sweetener can cause mental and physical problems. These artificial sweeteners are also a reason for migraine-like headaches.

The taste and aroma of sugar are imparted using chemicals in these artificial sweeteners. According to nutritionists, these artificial sweeteners can have side effects on the human body, so do you know what problems can be caused by using these sweeteners?

Studies have shown that people who consume artificial sweeteners either need fewer calories or reduce their calorie intake to gain weight rather than lose it. Artificial sweeteners can reduce the body’s ability to regulate calorie intake, which can lead to weight gain.

Mental Illness:
Artificial sweeteners can affect the brain. This changes mood and behavior. There is a substance called serotonin in the brain and its level gets reduced which leads to mood swings and anxiety.

Liver damage:
Consuming artificial sweeteners can cause liver damage. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease may predominate. Some sweeteners, including aspartame, can accumulate in the liver and cause liver problems.

Also not good for gut health:
Artificial sweeteners have the potential to harm beneficial microbes in the gut. So they can change the ratio of beneficial and harmful microorganisms. This alters the gut microbiota and causes metabolic problems. This causes problems like gas, bloating, diarrhea etc. in the stomach.

More diseases can arise in the body;
Consuming artificial sweeteners can lead to problems like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and metabolic syndrome. Sweeteners that increase insulin resistance also increase inflammation in the body. Also, stomach related diseases can occur.

Headache also occurs:
According to a study in Chemistry and Neurology, artificial sweeteners are also a reason for headaches and migraines. An imbalance in brain neurotransmitter levels (optimal levels) and blood consciousness can lead to headaches.
So if you think that artificial sweeteners are better than sugar and start consuming them in excess, you will end up with more problems.