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Home / Religion / Chanakya Niti: These things happening in the house indicate the coming misfortune and bad times.

Chanakya Niti: These things happening in the house indicate the coming misfortune and bad times.


Chanakya Policy: Chanakya is known as a skilled politician, skilled diplomat and economist. He is called Kautilya because of his intelligence and logic. Based on his knowledge and experience, he has said many important things to face the situations of life and not to be distracted by happiness and sorrow.

All his thoughts are described in Chanakyaniti. The principles given by Chanakya in Chanakya Niti are relevant even today. Based on his life experiences, Chanakya Niti Shastra is known for identifying difficulties in life and ways to deal with them.

If you adopt Chanakya’s words in your life, then you will be able to overcome problems easily. Many things about life have been told in Chanakya Niti. Chanakya says that some things in your house indicate bad times to come. Let us see what are the symptoms according to Chanakyani which give an idea of ​​the bad times to come for a person.

dry basil leaves

Tulsi plant is considered very sacred in Hinduism. By applying it in the house, there is a flow of positive energy. But if the basil plant planted in the house starts withering, then Chanakya says that your time is going to be bad. It is believed that the Tulsi plant dries up due to the troubles that befall your family.


insulting elders

It is believed that those who respect their elders always have the grace of God in their house. But according to Chanakya, if someone insults the elders of the house, then it is said that trouble is going to come in that house. Because in a house where elders live unhappy, poverty comes there.

don’t worship

According to Chanakya Niti, those who do not indulge in worship or spiritual activities at home, quickly go astray. Due to which calamities start coming on them. People of such a house may have to face bad times very soon.

daily struggle

According to Chanakya, Lakshmi does not reside in a house where frequent quarrels take place. If Goddess Lakshmi gets angry in such a house, then there is a decrease in happiness and prosperity. Along with this, having negative energy in that house can also lead to many problems. If there are daily fights in the house then negative energy enters the family. It destroys the happiness and peace of the family. The progress of family members may be hindered and there may be financial loss.

Separation of husband and wife in old age

A person depends on the parents in the early stages of life and on the life partner in the later stages. If death in old age separates you from your spouse, it is a sign of misfortune. No one will come to support you emotionally like a life partner in old age. It refers to the tribulation period before death.

dependent on others for sustenance

Chanakya explains that every intelligent person born in this world is capable of self-preservation. It is not your body, it is your will power and wisdom that propels you forward. Chanakya says that if a healthy person has to depend on another person for his maintenance, then it is a sign of bad luck.