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Chanakya Niti: These 3 people met in life will go away, difficulties will go away


Chanakya Niti in Gujarati: Acharya has explained in detail the ways to bring success in money, business, health, married life and career which are essential for human life. Acharya’s policies always show the way out to the people from the difficulties faced by them. Just as centuries ago the policies of Acharya Chanakya showed the way to people, even today they advise people to lead a virtuous life. Acharya Chanakya has given the biggest reason for this in Niti Shastra. Reality of life and practical solutions to problems. Acharya says that if a person gets the support of some special people, then he can easily get out of the biggest problem. Chanakya has told these measures in the formula of the verse.

Sansarpadagdhanan Trio Vishrantheetav:.
आप्त्यं च कलात्रं च शैतान संगतिरेव च।


With wife:
Acharya Chanakya says that every person needs the company of his wife. A person whose wife is helpful does not have to extend a helping hand to others in difficult situations. Such people overcome every adverse situation easily with their wife. The life of such people passes in happiness and comfort. Such a wife stands with her husband like a shield throughout his life.

friendship of true friends
Acharya Chanakya refers to a friend as a person and says that the friendship of one’s friend has the most influence in one’s success or failure. If a person’s friendship is with a good person, then he gets full support in difficult times. And tries to show the right path. If this friend is mischievous, bad-tempered, or harmful to others, he may get his friends into trouble as well.

support of son
Acharya Chanakya says that for every father, the support of the son is his biggest strength. A parent who has a son to take care of him and fulfill all his needs. That person can easily face every difficulty. Such a son, along with serving his parents, also brings glory to his family and clan. That’s why Acharya says that one who has such a son, his life is happy. He does not face any kind of trouble.