Thursday , September 19 2024

Chanakya Niti: The fortunate get beautiful women and wealth


भोज्यं भोजन शक्ति रति शक्तिर वारांगना।
Vibhavo Danshaktischa Nalapsya Tapas: Fruit.

Meaning: Good food, food power, night power, beautiful woman, wealth and charity power, all these pleasures are not the result of any small penance.


Acharya Chanakya points towards the pleasures of life through the above verse. They say that a person is fortunate that he has the power to eat and digest variety of dishes and dishes till the end of his life.

If one finds a beautiful woman and desires to have intercourse with her for a long time, then wealth, glory and the power to give charity, all these pleasures are obtained by the man from the accumulated good deeds of the previous lives. It is not possible for a man to attain these pleasures by doing a little penance.

The meaning of the above verse is that it is often seen that many people are rich and eat different types of food but their body does not support them, they suffer from one or the other disease. Their digestive power is so weak that they cannot taste those foods even when they are in front of them, so such things are of no use to them.

On the contrary, many people are physically healthy but they do not have dishes to eat. It’s just a matter of luck. Acharya also says that men fortunate enough to have a beautiful woman should have the strength, ability and desire to have sexual intercourse with her along with being a woman.

Too many men don’t have women who don’t have stamina. Similarly, a person who is miserly despite having wealth, is miserly, does not have the tendency to give charity, he cannot enjoy his wealth.

So according to the sloka, fortunate people get different types of happiness on the basis of accumulated good deeds of previous births.