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Chanakya Niti: Keep these things secret from your wife, otherwise your life will be ruined, told in Chanakya Niti


Chanakya Niti About Husband and Wife: In Sanatan Dharma, husband and wife have been described as husband and wife. Those who stay with each other in happiness and sorrow till death. However, Chanakya Nitishastra says that a husband should not share his 4 things with his wife even by mistake, otherwise the house will be ruined in a jiffy.

Acharya Chanakya, born hundreds of years ago, said many such mysterious things related to country, politics, society and society, which are still guiding crores of people of the world. Acharya Chanakya kept these things in his book called Niti Shastra, which we all know as Chanakya Niti. In this policy of Chanakya, he has said that men should always keep these 4 things hidden from their wives, otherwise the condition of their house will never deteriorate. Let us know which are those 4 things, which should always be kept secret from the wife.

Acharya Chanakya says that men should always hide their weaknesses from their wives. Otherwise, he can take advantage of your weakness in various circumstances to get his work done. Due to which you may feel embarrassed in public life.

According to the Chanakya policy for husband and wife, the husband should not give complete information about his earnings to the wife. Because after knowing the real income of the husband, she starts stopping him from spending considering it as his own. Because of which many times the husband has to fight even for a penny.

According to Acharya Chanakya, charity should always be done secretly. Even your wife should not be told where and how much you have donated. If you don’t do this, the charity will go in vain and your virtues will go in vain.

Chanakya policy for husband and wife states that the wife should not be told about her insult even by mistake. The reason is that no wife can tolerate the disrespect of her husband. In such a situation, instead of being calm, the dispute may increase in anger, due to which the whole family may have to bear the brunt.